Instagram and Facebook Ad Campaigns
Targeted ads to boost your content.
Get your music heard or your videos watched. 
Sell tickets, merchandise and other items with the help of Social Media and Online-Marketing.
Enhance your audience and grow your fanbase.
Creating target groups, lookalikes and custom audiences.
Setting up your Pixel and events.
Monitoring and optimizing your ad sets for the lowest CPC.
YouTube Ad Campaigns
Orchestrating campaigns to show your video to relevant people.
Discovery Ads, Bumpers, Pre-Rolls - it´s all there. 
Research for keywords and placements.
Monitoring and optimizing your ad sets for the lowest CPV.
Music Marketing
I guide you through your release on digital platforms like Spotify, Apple Music or YouTube.
We prepare your release and set up everything so that you most likely get picked up by the Release Radar!
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